orchids site:TheGardenHelper.com from www.thegardenhelper.com
Orchids need high humidity of at least 50%. It is almost a necessity for the pots to be positioned above a tray filled with pebbles and water. The orchid pots ...
orchids site:TheGardenHelper.com from www.thegardenhelper.com
Nov 19, 2004 · From The Garden Forum: Guidelines for Growing Orchids Orchids as House Plants This Orchid Wallpaper is courtesy of madsquopper Dendrobium ...
Mar 31, 2006 · From The Garden Forum: Anyone have any advice on care of orchids? I would love to have one, but don't have much knowledge of them.
Dec 5, 2005 · The Garden Helper is a free gardening encyclopedia and guides to growing and caring for gardens, plants and flowers. Helping gardeners grow ...
orchids site:TheGardenHelper.com from www.thegardenhelper.com
Nov 3, 2003 · The nobile types bloom all along the cane from each internode. There may be more than one bloom at the internodes but they don't send out a ...
May 23, 2004 · From The Garden Forum: Hi! I got a new Orchid from work, cuz they seemed to be showing up everywhere, (in my friend's house, my mom's house, ...
Nov 1, 2006 · I was soaking them once a week and misting them 2 times a day. But that isn't enough anymore. Could I soak them 2 to 3 times a week and keep to ...
Sep 7, 2006 · "Orchid mix", available in most stores where regular potting soil is sold, consists of redwood or fir bark, coconut fiber, charcoal, lava rock ( ...
Jul 26, 2006 · From The Garden Forum: Guess what!The orchid baby that was just a stem with a few roots attached has sprouted new growth. I'm so excited.
There are a few general guidelines for growing orchids in the house. Good lighting is essential. They like an east or west facing window, but shaded from ...
Apr 3, 2006 · From The Garden Forum: I would like to know how to (and if I can)separate my orchid from the mother plant. It seems to have an offshoot from ...
Nov 27, 2006 · The Garden Helper may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose without our written consent. △ Back to top.
From The Garden Forum: I won a cattleya orchid on ebay. I received no instructions on how to repot this plant. I say repot due to the obvious roots that ...
Aug 28, 2006 · The roots need to be moist (not saturated) or they can rot very quickly. You need to get your cutting OUT of the water & into a plastic pot of ...
Oct 16, 2004 · Hi, my name is Christy, I'm very interested in orchids. I have two of my own, but I have a problem I need to know how to cut them. I have ...
orchids site:TheGardenHelper.com from www.thegardenhelper.com
Laeliocattleya "memrobert" Orchid. Queen of Flowers. Orchids, the Queen of Flowers. Feel free to 'right click' on this photo to save, or set as your desktop ...
Sep 28, 2005 · From The Garden Forum: I have an orchid (phaelenopsis) that has had SLOWLY growing buds for almost 3 weeks now!
From The Garden Forum: since most orchids are epiphytic, would it be possible to use some wire or fishing line to attach an orchid to a piece of wood if i ...
Mar 2, 2005 · From The Garden Forum: Unfortunately, I wasn't able to identify these Orchids that I found blooming in the Tropical House at The Woodland ...