聯絡請e-mail至: editor後面接@vegtomato.org. 助他們二腳之力之五. 2021年最後20台留台灣本島東部偏鄉. 四年前的一個因緣,動了捐108台輪椅到偏鄉醫療資源缺乏的醫療 ...
... VegTomato, http://www.vegtomato.org/, to inspire people go veganism/vegetarianism? VegTomato is a non-profit and non-commerical website, and all of us are ...
A non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the word about the benefits of going vegan and adopting a plant-based diet. We host vegan events.
直到有一天,我聽到《Buddha and Bonsai》。 那是在一個佛教網站,一個朋友穿越了遙遠的時空,把他自己珍藏的Oliver Shanti作曲的四張與佛教心靈音樂有關的專輯盡數發布, ...
籍着遊客手电筒的聚光,只见藏经洞内除一尊僧人坐塑和后壁一幅模糊不清的壁划外,已空无它物。 在藏经洞经书博物馆内,面对着大量被掠夺文书的影印件和复制品,我惊异自己 ...
Mar 31, 2009 · I am running a website, VegTomato, http://www.vegtomato.org/, dedicated to advocate vegetarianism/veganism/animal right with some friends ...
The World Vegetable Center promotes healthier lives and more resilient livelihoods through greater food diversity. Discover our missions.
Check out vegtomato's art on DeviantArt. Browse the user profile and get inspired.
根特市政府這項活動的協辦單位法蘭德斯道德素食協會(Flanders' Ethical Vegetarian Association)表示,比利時法蘭德斯地區的民眾如果每週吃一天素,那麼一年相當於減低 ...