RNA-protein covalent cross-linking via peptidyl-serine. Definition: The formation of a covalent cross-link between RNA and a peptidyl-serine residue by the ...
The formation of a covalent cross-link between RNA and a protein. 2001-10-01, Added, TERM, RNA-protein covalent cross-linking. show all show ...
GO:0018212. GO:0018148. RNA-protein covalent cross-linking via peptidyl-tyrosine. is_a. GO:0046897. N-terminal peptidyl-tyrosine methylation. is_a. GO:0018067.
RNA-protein covalent cross-linking viral process. In structures. RNA-directed RNA polymerase is found in 623 PDB entries. Viruses (602 PDB entries):. Hepatitis ...
"RNA-protein covalent cross-linking" from pdbj.org
Function Domain/homology. Component. RNA-protein covalent cross-linking / : / symbiont-mediated suppression of host cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor ...
... RNA-protein covalent cross-linking / suppression by virus of host gene expression / suppression by virus of host mRNA export from nucleus / suppression by ...
RNA-protein covalent cross-linking / : / host cell nucleolus / symbiont-mediated suppression of host mRNA export from nucleus / picornain 3C / T=pseudo3 ...
RNA-protein covalent cross-linking. Synonyms. Definition, The formation of a covalent cross-link between RNA and a protein. Term Comment. AmiGO 2, GO:0018144.
RNA-protein covalent cross-linking via peptidyl-tyrosine. peptidyl-valine modification. positive regulation of protein modification process; post-translational ...
RNA-protein covalent cross-linking via peptidyl-tyrosine. GO:0018148. peptide cross-linking via S-[5'\''-(L-tryptoph-6'\''-yl)-L-tyrosin-3'\''-yl]-L-methionin ...