glutathione hydrolase activity Catalysis of the reaction: glutathione + H2O = L-cysteinylglycine + L-glutamate.
glutathione hydrolase activity. Source:GO_Central. 1 publication. Molecular Function, leukotriene C4 gamma-glutamyl transferase activity. Source:UniProtKB-EC.
glutathione hydrolase activity. Synonyms: gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase activity | glutathionase activity. Definition: Catalysis of the reaction: glutathione + ...
Gene Ontology Term: glutathione hydrolase activity ; GO ID: GO:0036374 ; Aspect: Molecular Function ; Description: Catalysis of the reaction: glutathione + H2O = L ...
4 genes performing the glutathione hydrolase activity molecular function from the curated GO Molecular Function Annotations dataset. Show. 10, 25, 50, 100.
glutathione hydrolase activity. Source:UniProtKB-UniRule. Biological Process, glutathione catabolic process. Source:UniProtKB-UniRule. Keywords. Molecular ...
2015-06-25, Deleted, RELATION, is a GO:0043234 (protein complex) ; 2015-06-18, Added, RELATION, capable of GO:0036374 (glutathione hydrolase activity).
In total, 16 Candida genes have been directly annotated to the term glutathione hydrolase activity. Number of Genes Annotated. GO Term, Download all data ...
enables glutathione hydrolase activity (IDA). Biological Process: involved in glutathione catabolic process (IDA). Shared Annotations. This diagram displays ...