A wealth of free AutoLISP programs and functions to demonstrate a sample of the work by Lee Mac Programming ... Novelty Programs. Program, Version, Updated, Mac ...
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A curated list of awesome Common Lisp libraries. For awesome software, see lisp-lang.org's success stories and the awesome-cl-software list.
Products. Our Lisp tools are designed for projects that are complex and ambitious or just need to be prototyped and delivered quickly. Success Stories.
Franz is a leading vendor Enterprise Development Tools and dynamic object-oriented Common Lisp development tools including Allegro Common Lisp (Allegro CL, ...
Productivity · Grammarly - Grammar checking. · Turtl - a secure note taking, bookmarking and document storage app. · Deftask - Painless task management for ...
As one of the earliest programming languages, Lisp pioneered many ideas in computer science, including tree data structures, automatic storage management, ...
Get started! Services. Project hosting for open source / free software Common Lisp projects. Mailing lists for Common Lisp related topics.
Free AutoLISP macros, routines and programs for AutoCAD, Brics CAD, ZWCAD to automate drawing preparation quickly for Infrastructure Engineering.