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株式会社。かぶしき かいしゃ(Kabushiki-Kaisha)の略。 文字コード 編集.
Name: Square Kk. Unicode Version: 1.1 (June 1993). Block: CJK Compatibility, U+3300 - U+33FF. Plane: Basic Multilingual Plane, U+0000 - U+FFFF.
U+33CD SQUARE KK. . SQUARE KK. Codepoint, U+33CD. Copy to the clipboard, Copy. Block, CJK Compatibility. Sub-Block, Squared Latin abbreviations.
代表的な機種依存文字一覧 ; 矢 印, →←↑↓⇒⇔ ; 点 …‥、。,.・:;?!゛゜´`¨^ヽヾゝゞ〃°′″ ; 省略文字, 皚祗筬絖罩膈茘 雖覘讚蹲遶鎰 ; 単位, ¥$¢£%‰℃Å ...
Unicode Character 'SQUARE KK' (U+33CD) ; UTF-16 (decimal), 13,261 ; UTF-32 (hex), 0x000033CD (33cd) ; UTF-32 (decimal), 13,261 ; C/C++/Java source code, "\u33CD".
Detailed information about the Unicode character 'Square kk' with code point U+33CD that can be used as a symbol or icon on your site.
の意味は 読み方:けーけー《株式(kabusiki)と会社(kaisya)の頭文字から》株式会社の略号のこと。Weblio国語辞典では「磧廚琉嫐や使い方、用例、類似表現などを ...
SQUARE KK. U+33CD. Information about U+33CD Unicode character, and what fonts you can download for free that have the U+33CD character available.
Symbol – Square Kk, U+33CD. The best nicknames and style words that ... Nicknames with symbol - Square Kk. ㎇𒐫𡱹꙰۝𡲵㠭𠥬ꗣ𒐫␡␟. 58 23. ㎇𒐫尾꙰۝屉 ...