2019/12/23 · Problem I'm trying to upload a container with php: 7.4.1-apache, but I'm getting the error: configure: error: unrecognized options: ...
2019/11/29 · I could not find a --with-png option, but png resizing worked in my case. So maybe png support is a built in default as of PHP 7.4. A further ...
As of PHP 7.4.0, use --with-jpeg instead. png, To enable support for png add --with-png-dir=DIR.
Had this strange issue a couple of days ago, where the following compile command didn't give me the expected results (ability to use imagecreatefromjpeg() ...
2021/12/11 · Hi, i need to know how exactly i can add (for php8.1.0-fpm) the following (for docker rootless production system): GD, intl, mysqli, ...
2020/01/12 · I am having problems with functions that manipulate JPEG images, I went to see in phpinfo () and the incomplete GD, according to some ...
2021/12/11 · Hi, i need to know how exactly i can add (for php8.1.0-fpm) the following (for docker rootless production system): GD, intl, mysqli, ...
2020/09/03 · Navigate to Menu and Click on the App Services Open /Create the app that you want to install the GD Library and click on the Configuration ...
... dir=/etc/php5/cli \ --enable-mbstring --enable ... jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6 \ --with ... --enable-tokenizer \ --with-bz2 \ --with-iconv. Up.