The suEXEC feature provides users of the Apache HTTP Server the ability to run CGI and SSI programs under user IDs different from the user ID of the calling ...
Apache suEXEC is a feature of the Apache web server. It allows users to run Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and Server Side Includes (SSI) applications as a ...


Apache suEXECは、ApacheWebサーバーの機能です。これにより、ユーザーはCommonGatewayInterfaceおよびServerSideIncludesアプリケーションを別のユーザーとして実行できます。通常、すべてのWebサーバープロセスはデフォルトのWebサーバーユーザーとして実行されます。 ウィキペディア(英語)
Suexec is a part of the apache webserver that allows cgi scripts run as the user in whose directory they are installed, rather than as the user 'nobody' or ' ...
2021/10/21 · suEXEC is a feature of Apache that allows CGI scripts to run under your Pair Networks username and not as the default user "nobody.
2023/08/07 · suEXEC (which stands for "switch user execution") allows Apache users to run CGI and SSI programs under different users.
Apache suEXEC¶ ... In a nutshell, suEXEC will take care that all things are fine, cleanup the environment and be sure some conditions are met, and then setuid.
Suexec is a mechanism supplied with Apache that allows to execute CGI scripts as the user they belong to, rather than Apache's wwwrun user. This improves ...
DESCRIPTION. suexec is the “wrapper” support program for the suexec behaviour for the Apache httpd(8) server. It is run from within the server automatically ...
2019/05/23 · suEXEC is an Apache execution method for CGI and SSI programs that makes executing PHP scripts more secure by running each PHP process as ...