

eRubyとは、Rubyの周辺技術の一つで、HTMLへRubyスクリプトを埋め込む事を可能とする技術である。embedded Rubyの略。ERBとも表記され、ファイル拡張子も.erbである事が多い。対象としてはHTMLだけでなく、任意のプレインテキストに適用できる。 ウィキペディア
Embedded Ruby (also shortened as ERB) is a templating system that embeds Ruby into a text document. It is often used to embed Ruby code in an HTML document, ...
eRuby stands for embedded Ruby. It's a tool that embeds fragments of Ruby code in other files such as HTML files similar to ASP, JSP and PHP.
2022/04/12 · =begin = README for eRuby == What's eRuby? eRuby interprets a Ruby code embedded text file. For example, eRuby enables you to embed a Ruby ...
A quick introduction to Embedded Ruby (a.k.a. ERB, eRuby). Will Little. Before we dive directly into Ruby on Rails app development, after reading the Ruby ...
Constructs a new ERB object with the template specified in str. An ERB object works by building a chunk of Ruby code that will output the completed template ...
Erubis is an fast and extensible eRuby implementation - kwatch/erubis.
Installing eruby in Apache. You can set up an Apache Web server to automatically parse Ruby-embedded documents using eRuby, much in the same way that PHP does.
eruby interprets a Ruby code embedded text file. For example, eruby enables you to embed a Ruby code to a HTML file. A Ruby block starts with '<%' and ends with ...
DESCRIPTION. HTML::ERuby is a ERuby processor written in Perl. parse ERuby document by Perl and evaluate by Ruby. METHODS. $compiler = HTML::ERuby->new.