Another way of presenting Hoare logic is to define a completely separate proof system -- a set of axioms and inference rules that talk about commands, Hoare ...
The presentation of Hoare logic in chapter Hoare could be described as "model-theoretic": the proof rules for each of the constructors were presented as ...
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HoareAsLogicHoare Logic as a Logic ... Another way of presenting Hoare logic is to define a completely separate proof system — a set of axioms and inference rules ...
My solutions to exercises in "Programming Language Foundations" (2018-2019) - programming-language-foundations-2018/HoareAsLogicTest.v at master ...
Another way of presenting Hoare logic is to define a completely separate proof system — a set of axioms and inference rules that talk about ...
Hoare Logic as a Logic (HoareAsLogic) · Top · Definitions · Properties · Small-step Operational Semantics (Smallstep) · Top · A Toy Language · Relations.
HoareAsLogic: Hoare as Logic; Smallstep: Small-step Operational Semantics; References: Typing Mutable References; Review2: Review Session for Second Midterm
正确性Soundness:所有用霍尔逻辑规则推导出. 来的霍尔三元组在IMP的语义下都是正确的,即. 给定霍尔三元组{P}c{Q}. • 给定任意满足P的状态,执行c后,Q一定满足.
Global Index. A. Auto [library]. B. Basics [library]. E. Equiv [library] Extraction [library]. H. Hoare [library] HoareAsLogic [library] HoareList [library]
Chapter dependencies chart for Vol I, Logical Foundations. Sep. 11,12,18: Introduction; reasoning about simple functional programs. (Preface) (Basics) (Basics.v).