A class-action lawsuit filed in Washington, DC, on behalf of 10,000 farmers in Ecuador and the AFL-CIO allied International Labor Rights Fund has DynCorp ...
May 25, 2001 · From the MEDIUM RARE newsletter... DynCorp From Kosovo to Peru. By Jim Rarey. The prefix "dyn" from the Greek connoting power or energy ...
DynCorp-State Department Contract. Corpwatch has acquired a copy of a $600 million dollar contract between DynCorp and the U.S. State Department. The company ...
Nov 2, 2010 · Bell manufactures military helicopters used in the aviation program, and DynCorp has been sued and criticized for spraying poisonous herbicides ...
"Narco News, its website, and the writers who post information, are entitled to all the First Amendment protections accorded a newspaper-magazine or journalist.
Aug 23, 2001 · DynCorp employees are 'under strict orders to avoid journalists,' but congressional sources say 'many are hard-boiled, hard-drinking ...
Since early January, pilots from DynCorp, working under contract to the U.S. State Department and under the supervision of the Colombian ...
In the Ecuador-Dyncorp Case,. Real Airplanes, Spraying Poison... Beers Admits to · Perjury in Court. Non-existent "FARC-Al Qaida link". Was Invented by U.S. ...
Apr 29, 2004 · DynCorp, of Reston, VA, is the most vested of all: As the State Department's primary outsourcing company in Colombia it has a roughly $600 ...
The new president, Lucio Gutierrez, was sworn in to the presidency Wednesday, January 15th, and the country is ablaze with anticipation.