Jul 8, 2013 · 11:11 “Then the king of the south will be enraged and will march out to fight against the king of the north, who will also muster a large ...
2 Listen to this , you elders ;. pay attention , all inhabitants of the land . Has anything like this ever happened in your whole life.
verse. 11 sn The circumstances that precipitated the book of Joel surrounded a locust invasion in Palestine that was of unprec- edented proportions. The ...
12 “Yet even now ,” the Lord says ,. “ return to me with all your heart —. with fasting , weeping , and mourning . 13 Tear your hearts ,.
Prophetic Call to Genuine Repentance ... 14 Return , O Israel , to the Lord your God ,. for your sin has been your downfall ! ... 2 Return to the Lord and repent !
1 This is the Lord 's message that came to Joel the son of Pethuel : · 2 Listen to this , you elders ; · 3 Tell your children about it; · 4 What the gazam -locust ...
3: Further Charges against Unfaithful Israel (Hosea 11:1-11) by Richard D. ... He is currently working on a book on Psalm 110 for IVP's New Studies in Biblical ...
Nov 17, 2005 · This sermon was delivered by a divinely-energized Peter, who now boldly warns those who several weeks earlier had taken part in the crucifixion of the Lord ...
Let all the inhabitants of the land shake with fear,. for the day of the Lord is about to come. Indeed, it is near!
Aug 12, 2023 · The seventh trumpet judgment in Revelation 11:15-19 proclaims that the kingdoms of this world are judged and replaced with the Kingdom of God, which is coming ...