This is a basic misunderstanding between Greek and Hebrew wisdom. Greek wisdom was concerned with speculation and cosmogony which was behind principles of the ...
May 15, 2021 · ... Greek word, which means fifty. The Old Covenant name of “Feast of ... Book of Acts; it happened in the book of Exodus. The first Pentecost ...
I remember when God began convicting me of my grumbling spirit. I was in seminary in Dallas, where it is hot and humid. My apartment did not have air ...
did”; Heb “The words [or affairs] of Jeremiah.” The phrase could refer to either the messages of Jeremiah recorded in the book ... 50:11) make the possessive use.
It means submitting all of my thoughts, emotions, words, and deeds to the lordship of Christ, so that I seek to please Him in all respects (Col. 1:10). It means ...
Thus, the other eight deities of the Memphite ennead were merely Ptah himself in manifestation.” Line 55 of the Shabaka Stone supports Mercer's assertion, and ...
始,而不是神创造天地的开始(「……的开始」或「当神创造」)。换而言之,本. 节是主句,第2 节有三子句,描写及提供背景资料,第3 节开始记录创造的过程。
「太初」(In the beginning)。本譯本的立場:「太初」是絕對性的開. 始,而不是神創造天地的開始(「……的開始」或「當神創造」)。換而言之,本.