2 (5:1) As for you , Bethlehem Ephrathah ,. seemingly insignificant among the clans of Judah —. from you a king will emerge who will rule over Israel on my ...
Nov 28, 2012 · The author of Hebrews knew that the concept of Jesus as high priest in the line of Melchizedek would be difficult for his Jewish Christian ...
Aug 18, 2004 · 3. The Law: The First Five Books · GENESIS (The Book of Beginnings) · EXODUS (The Book of Redemption) · LEVITICUS (The Book of Holiness) ...
May 20, 2013 · Expository study of Hebrews: Jesus Christ perfectly fulfills the qualifications for the kind of high priest that we all need.
Mar 9, 2021 · He notes, “Because the addressee of wisdom in Proverbs 1–7 is 'my son,' many have concluded that biblical wisdom is a no-woman land.” Yet, Dr.
An Introduction to the Book of Psalms by David Malick; 13. Psalm 109: A Prayer for the Punishment of the Wicked by Bob Deffinbaugh; Thanksgiving Thoughts by ...
May 28, 2013 · Expository study of Hebrews: Seeing the glory of Christ in His person and priesthood will strengthen us to endure trials by faith.
May 10, 2004 · The Danger of Drifting (Hebrews 1:1–2:4). Incorporated within the very framework and message of the book of Hebrews are five danger signals.
Feb 21, 2006 · The Relation of the Poetical Books to Each Other. 1. The Book of Job—Blessing through Suffering. 2. The Psalms—Praise through Prayer. 3. The ...
19 When the living beings moved , the wheels beside them moved; when the living beings rose up from the ground , the wheels rose up too. 20 Wherever the spirit ...