Showing results for hebrew:que AND book:10 site:bible.org
10 When the queen of Sheba heard about Solomon , she came to challenge him with difficult questions . 2 She arrived in Jerusalem with a great display of ...
12 When Arphaxad had lived 35 years , he became the father of Shelah . 13 And after he became the father of Shelah , Arphaxad lived 403 years and had other sons ...
11 King Solomon fell in love with many foreign women (besides Pharaoh's daughter ), including Moabites , Ammonites , Edomites , Sidonians , and Hittites .
10 So Joshua fought against Amalek just as Moses had instructed him, and Moses and Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill . 11 Whenever Moses would raise ...
24 God said , “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds : cattle , creeping things , and wild animals , each according to its kind .” It ...
10 But the rich person's pride should be in his humiliation because he will pass away like a wildflower in the meadow . ... 11 For the sun rises with its heat and ...
11 The Lord abhors dishonest scales ,. but an accurate weight is his delight . 2 After pride came , disgrace followed ;. but wisdom came with humility .
The book of Hebrews declares that those who believe in Christ cease from their works and enter into his Sabbath rest. For a Christian keeping Saturday holy ...
The writer of the Book of Hebrews quoted this verse ( Heb. 10:37 ). He used it to encourage his readers to persevere in their commitment to Jesus Christ ...
17 Now as Jesus was starting out on his way , someone ran up to him, fell on his knees , and said , “ Good teacher , what must I do to inherit eternal life ?” ...