Showing results for hebrew:table AND book:26 site:bible.org
The Hebrew text of the book of Numbers has been preserved fairly well. It ... 231 sn The Hebrew actually has the “table of faces,” and this has been ...
The Book of Hebrews used the veil in the temple, which replaced this one in the tabernacle, as a symbol of Jesus Christ's body. Torn in crucifixion, it ...
May 22, 2013 · Expository study of Hebrews: The choice to obey God by faith will result in short-term suffering, but also in eternal blessings.
27 “You are to make the altar of acacia wood , 7½ feet long , and 7½ feet wide ; the altar is to be square , and its height is to be 4½ feet .
27 When Isaac was old and his eyes were so weak that he was almost blind , he called his older son Esau and said to him, “My son !” “ Here I am!
... table in 26:20 ). It included, besides the lamb, unleavened bread and bitter herbs as a reminder of Israel's bitter affliction at the hands of the Egyptians.
27 When Isaac was old and his eyes were so weak that he was almost blind , he called his older son Esau and said to him, “My son !” “ Here I am!
25 And he did not enter to offer himself again and again , the way the high priest enters the sanctuary year after year with blood that is not his own , 26 for ...
Jan 17, 2014 · While the Psalm has a reference to man in general (who was designed to rule over the earth [Genesis 1:26-28]), it specifically points to messiah ...