39 So he stood over her , commanded the fever , and it left her . Immediately she got up and began to serve them . 40 As the sun was setting ...
22 Then Jesus traveled throughout towns and villages , teaching and making his way toward Jerusalem . · Someone asked him , “ Lord , will only a few be saved ?” ...
39 He will attack mighty fortresses , aided by ... Mengetahui Kehendak Tuhan dengan Sempurna (Kol. ... Articles are indexed by subject and author; book reviews are ...
39 So Peter got up and went with them , and when he arrived they brought him to the upper room . All the widows stood beside him , crying and ...
39 We are witnesses of all the things he did ... Selimut Keamanan Tuhan by Richard L. Strauss; What does “nation, kindred, tongue and ... Book. Solid Underline.
39 A wife is bound as long as her husband is living . But if her husband dies , she is free to marry anyone she wishes ( only someone in the Lord) . 40 ...
' 39 But I say to you , do not resist the evildoer . ... But whoever strikes you on the right cheek , turn the other to him as well .
39 Look at my hands and my feet; it's me !
39 Whoever finds his life will lose it , ...
38 For I am convinced that neither death , nor life , nor angels , nor heavenly rulers , nor things that are present , nor things to come , nor powers , 39 nor ...