The FBI investigation focused on the Iran arms sales and the Iran/contra diversion -- in contrast to the broader probe subsequently undertaken by Independent ...
Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd weighed the evidence and became the first politican to link 1980 Reagan campaign practices with Irangate. He made an ...
The Irangate crisis had been growing since the autumn of 1986, as ... The issues at stake in Irangate were serious enough, but it seems that the British ...
The “Irangate” affair provided a striking exam- ple of terrorism's ability to have serious and negative repercussions on the conduct of foreign policy, on ...
... Irangate.' The U.S. government must not become the unwitting tool of any political group that can accurately be charged with any of the following heritage ...
Now that the Senate Intelligence Committee has voted 11-4 to confirm Robert M. Gates as head of the Central Intelligence Agency, it seems likely the full Senate ...
President Reagan was an early and vigorous opponent of the Sandinista regime that seized power in Nicaragua in 1979. As a presidential candidate, Reagan ...
When President Ronald Reagan took office in January 1981, he promptly canceled the final $15 million payment of a $75 million aid package to Nicaragua, ...