Do we need an ethics committee in order to make decisions regarding the cochlear implant? Radulescu, Luminita; Mârtu, Dan. Revista Romana de Bioetica; Isai ...
While cochlear implantation is now considered routine in many parts of the world, the debate over how to ethically implement this technology continues. One's ...
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Do we need an ethics committee in order to make decisions regarding the cochlear implant? L Radulescu, D Mârtu. Revista Romana de Bioetica 5 (2), 2007. 7, 2007.
Do we need an ethics committee in order to make decisions regarding the cochlear implant? L Radulescu, D Mârtu. Revista Romana de Bioetica 5 (2), 2007. 7, 2007.
Do we need an ethics committee in order to make decisions regarding the cochlear implant? L Radulescu, D Mârtu. Revista Romana de Bioetica 5 (2), 2007. 7, 2007.
Dec 27, 2018 · 8. Radulescu L, Martu D. Do we need an ethics committee in order to make decisions regarding the cochlear implant? Revista Romana de Bioetica ...
Oct 14, 2015 · This paper aims to discuss, in bioethical terms, the validity of implanting cochlear hearing aids in children by analyzing their vulnerability.
Missing: Radulescu committee
Do we need an ethics committee in order to make decisions regarding the cochlear implant? ... are the norms according to will we choose a patient for implant?
Dec 6, 2022 · There are many valid reasons to never evaluate an individual for a cochlear implant or to not, ultimately, implant someone who is a candidate.
Missing: Radulescu committee
Jul 24, 2023 · Professionals should use a child/family cantered approach. ▫. The Cochlear Implant Surgery Should Take Place as Soon as a Child Is Identified as ...