For as to what they say about the Church of Constantinople, who can doubt that it is subject to the Apostolic See, as both the most pious lord the emperor ...
Was it not the case, as your Fraternity knows, that the prelates of this Apostolic See which by the providence of God I serve, had the honour offered them of ...
Inasmuch as it is manifest that the Apostolic See is, by the ordering of God, set over all Churches, there is, among our manifold cares, special demand for our ...
When the excellent preacher says, As long as I am the apostle of the Gentiles I will honour my ministry Romans 11:13; saying again in another place, We became ...
... Apostolic See, if any fault is found in bishops, I know not what bishop is not subject to it. But when no fault requires it to be otherwise, all according ...
Now your Love, most dear brother, has demanded of us that we should reply to your enquiries with the authority of the Apostolic See. And, though we make ...
Whence it must needs be that we should more peculiarly commend those whom we know to be, as they should be, devoted in the Church of the blessed Peter, Prince ...
Now, therefore, that your Fraternity knows that he has recovered the communion of the Apostolic See, let him send some one to us, according to custom, to ...
For that your Serenity has not found a deacon of the Apostolic See resident at the court according to ancient custom, is not owing to my negligence, but to most ...
We see, then, what great praise is due to that which not only engenders perfectness in the soul, but also binds it. Wherefore, since the language of your ...