Binding to euchromatin, a dispersed and relatively uncompacted form of chromatin. 2013-09-13, Added, TERM, euchromatin binding. 2013-09-13, Added, DEFINITION ...
euchromatin binding. Definition: Binding to euchromatin, a dispersed and relatively uncompacted form of chromatin. Parent Terms: is-a chromatin binding.
"euchromatin binding" from www.ebi.ac.uk
Binding to euchromatin, a dispersed and relatively uncompacted form of chromatin. 2013-09-13, Added, TERM, euchromatin binding. 2013-09-13, Added, DEFINITION ...
Jan 21, 2020 · We identify an euchromatin-binding function of TRIP12 mediated by a N-terminal intrinsically disordered region. We demonstrate the ...
ID: GO:1990188 ; Name: euchromatin binding ; Ontology or CV name: GO molecular function ; Definition: Binding to euchromatin, a dispersed and relatively ...
Oct 30, 2021 · Overall, the formation of LLPS condensates from heterochromatin and euchromatin binding proteins remains controversial [92, 115]. In vitro ...
Nov 8, 2016 · ... euchromatin. Binding is best explained by a model in which clustered sites, composed either of a few high-affinity sequences or of multiple ...
GO:1990188: euchromatin binding (Molecular function). "Binding to euchromatin, a dispersed and relatively uncompacted form of chromatin." [GOC:vw, PMID:22431512].
"euchromatin binding" from www.researchgate.net
Expression and euchromatin binding of BRD3R in human cells. (a) cDNA structure and primer locations of BRD3R in comparison with its long isoform BRD3.