Hormonal regulation It is postulated that the loss of sex steroids (including progesterone) but the elevation in luteinizing hormone, the adult equivalent of hCG, post-menopause and during andropause drives amyloid-β production and re-entry of post-mitotic neurons into the cell cycle.
Term: regulation of amyloid-beta formation. Synonyms: regulation of beta-amyloid formation. Definition: Any process that modulates the frequency, ...
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"regulation of amyloid-beta formation" from www.ebi.ac.uk
GO:1902004 JSON. positive regulation of amyloid-beta formation. Biological Process. Definition (GO:1902004 GONUTS page). Any process that activates or ...
GO:1902430 JSON. negative regulation of amyloid-beta formation. Biological Process. Definition (GO:1902430 GONUTS page). Any process that stops, ...
MetaCyc Gene-Ontology-Terms Class: GO:1902003 - regulation of amyloid-beta formation. Synonyms: regulation of beta-amyloid formation.
Terms such as 'regulation of amyloid-beta formation', 'regulation of synaptic plasticity', 'astrocyte activation' (linked to AD pathology [68]), and child ...
positive regulation of amyloid-beta formation | Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of amyloid-beta formation.
34 genes participating in the regulation of amyloid-beta formation biological process from the curated GO Biological Process Annotations 2023 dataset. Show. 10 ...
Analysis ; GO:1902004 - positive regulation of amyloid-beta formation (22) · GO:1902430 - negative regulation of amyloid-beta formation (18).
regulation of amyloid-beta formation | Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of amyloid-beta formation.