
Learn to pronounce hard

  1. solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced.
    "a hard mattress"
    synonyms: firm, solid, dense, rigid, stiff, resistant, unbreakable, inflexible, unpliable, impenetrable, unyielding, solidified, hardened, compact, compacted, steely, tough, strong, stony, rocklike, flinty, close-packed, compressed, as hard as iron, as hard as stone, frozen, adamantine, unmalleable, renitent
  2. done with a great deal of force or strength.
    "a hard blow to the head"
    synonyms: forceful, heavy, strong, sharp, smart, violent, powerful, vigorous, mighty, hefty, tremendous
  3. requiring a great deal of endurance or effort.
    "stooping over all day was hard work"
    synonyms: arduous, strenuous, tiring, fatiguing, exhausting, wearying, back-breaking, grueling, heavy, laborious, difficult, taxing, exacting, testing, challenging, demanding, punishing, tough, formidable, onerous, rigorous, uphill, Herculean, murderous, killing, hellish, knackering, toilsome, exigent, puzzling, perplexing, baffling, bewildering, mystifying, knotty, thorny, ticklish, problematic, enigmatic, complicated, complex, intricate, involved, tangled, insoluble, unfathomable, impenetrable, incomprehensible, unanswerable, spiny, mind-bending, gnarly, insolvable, wildering
  4. (of information) reliable, especially because based on something true or substantiated.
    "hard facts about the underclass are maddeningly elusive"
    synonyms: reliable, definite, true, actual, confirmed, undeniable, indisputable, unquestionable, verifiable, plain, cold, bare, bold, harsh, unvarnished, unembellished
  5. (of liquor) strongly alcoholic; denoting distilled spirits rather than beer or wine.
    synonyms: alcoholic, strong, intoxicating, inebriating, stiff, potent, spirituous, vinous, intoxicant
  6. (of water) containing relatively high concentrations of dissolved calcium and magnesium salts, which make lathering difficult.
    "hard water requires much more soap, shampoo, or detergent than soft water"
  7. (of the penis, clitoris, or nipples) erect.
  8. (of a consonant) pronounced as c in cat or g in go.

  1. with a great deal of effort.
    "they work hard at school"
    synonyms: diligently, industriously, assiduously, conscientiously, sedulously, busily, intensely, enthusiastically, energetically, earnestly, persistently, doggedly, steadily, indefatigably, untiringly, all out, with application, with perseverance, like mad, like crazy, like billy-o, with difficulty, with effort, after a struggle, painfully, arduously, laboriously
  2. so as to be solid or firm.
    "the mortar has set hard"
  3. to the fullest extent possible.
    "put the wheel hard over to starboard"

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