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FDM Group UK | Powering the people behind tech and innovation UK

Powering the people behind tech and INNOVATION

FDM is a global tech consultancy

Technology is the fastest growing sector. We give determined people and global organisations what they need to stay one step ahead.


We collaborate with world-leading companies to identify exactly the people they need, exactly when they need them. Access to talented people helps businesses effectively achieve their ambitions.



We find tenacious people from diverse backgrounds who are determined to succeed. By providing initial and ongoing coaching, mentorship and assignments, we help lead the way to the future they want.

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Build a robust, highly profitable portfolio. Achieve significant returns and reach ESG commitments with the world’s leading business and tech consultancy.


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News & Insights

Press Releases

How transformative digital skills training mitigates the cyber-risks of remote work

Press Releases

AI Skills Gap Puts Public Sector Projects in Jeopardy

Insights for Organisations Financial Crime

4 Ways to ensure your business is risk compliant

Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.
Powering the people behind tech and innovation.

Build and retain the next generation of talent with us