I hate hippies

So there I was, trying to enjoy a nice game of Frisbee golf. In front of me were these two bitch hippies who were out to hippy the place up and ruin my day. They were the slowest people on the whole course. I tried to hit one of them with my Frisbee from around 300 feet away and I missed him by about a foot. They tried to do some hippy scream and dance maneuver, which just pissed me off even more.

The whole thing got me to thinking how much I hate hippies. Who do these people think they are? YOU ARE NOT COOL, no-one likes you, nobody cares about what you have to say, and you are a draft-dodging piece of shit.

These hippies were especially bad since they were too young to be hippies when it was “cool” to be one. Those are the worst kind of hippies, the ones who are hippies just to piss everybody else off. What are they trying to prove? They are all fat, stupid, lazy, and have that horrible hippy smell. I have the solution to our hippy problem...

If we deported all of the hippies to Canada then they would have all the room they wanted to sit around and be lazy. Forget the Nixon pardon or being a big moron, President Ford should have been kicked out for allowing those damn hippies back in to this country. If you're a hippy then get the hell out of our country and stay out! The USA would be great if all the hippies left.

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