
Originally posted by rxxbinc

Featuring: Baekhyun (EXO)
Genre: Smut
By: Admin S

Hi lovelies~ Here is the first day in our Countdown to Christmas Fic challenge! Enjoy~!

You open the door and were greeted to the unique quarrels of 2 guys talking something or the other about “dashes” and “B-attacks” and promptly sighed. It had been a long day, and it’d be nice if for once you could come home and not have to deal with your boyfriend and his friend playing a bunch of games.

“Yo, you’re back!”  Chanyeol called out from the living room area.

“Chanyeol…you’re here! Again” You said smiling. You were only mildly annoyed since normally it was at least 9 of them crowded into the living making the whole apartment smell like men.

“Oi…don’t say it like that, or I’ll have to come tickle you.” Chanyeol said making to get up.

“Yah…focus on the game, we’re going to lose if you don’t pay attention. “ Baekhyun said, yanking Chanyeol back down on the couch beside him.

“Yep, hey babe…” You sighed again. Baekhyun hadn’t even turned to the door when you walked in.

“Hey babe.” He responded automatically, too absorbed in the game to really respond.

Sighing yet again, you felt all the stress from the day come back to you as you walked into the bedroom. You would have loved to just relax in bed with your boyfriend. Both of you doing your own thing, or watching How To Get Away With Murder – the two of you talking shit about that one character always lied. But no, like the man child he was, lately all he did when he got home was sit around with various friends and play video games.

You didn’t really care to play because they were a bit too intense, and just no, you weren’t that into it, but you didn’t mind hanging around them for a bit. However, today was one of those days when you just didn’t want to. You went and took a shower to try to relieve your stress and got dressed in house clothes. You had since learned that Chanyeol and Baekhyun were more or less attached at the hip and you didn’t really have to worry about appearances too much in front of him. Wearing a pair of shorts and one of Baekhyun’s shirts you went to join the boys in the living room.

You lasted all of 45 minutes before you rubbing at your temples in annoyance. You had taken your laptop out scrolled through your various social networking accounts as well as a few emails from work. You couldn’t focus on your work, and you had gone through everything else on your computer, and yet the boys were still playing. You wanted your boyfriend.

“Chanyeol…don’t you have things to do?” You called out, half hoping he wouldn’t take you too seriously, but actually really wanting him to leave.

Chanyeol, being slightly more aware than your own boyfriend got the hint immediately. “Oh…yea, I have to go finish a few songs. I had only intended to come over for a bit to relieve my creative block.”

Standing up, Chanyeol playfully punched Baekhyun who only muttered something about “reporting”?? You really had no idea what he said but Chanyeol only laughed and made his way over to the door.

“Baekhyun I’ll be on later, go online and we’ll team battle!” So again, he was only slightly more aware than your boyfriend. Rolling your eyes you followed Chanyeol to the door and hugged him goodbye,

“I’ll see you soon~” He said waving as he walked down the hallway,

“I hope not!” You laughed and closed the door.

You walked back to the living and took Chanyeol’s now vacant spot beside Baekhyun, happy that you two of you could be alone, “babe, can you stop playing after this game? I had a shitty day and would really like to talk to you about it.”

Baekhyun hummed, “sure babe right after this game.”

He didn’t stop playing. Almost an hour later, and after repeated trying (and failing) to get his attention you gave up and wandered into the kitchen to make some ramen. Even after it was done, and you finished eating yours, he didn’t stop playing.

“Baekhyun, seriously, can you turn it off? It’s been a hour since you said you would turn it off!” You finally shouted

Startled, Baekhyun finally turned to look at you. “Sorry babe, I was just finishing up a game”

“No…you finished one game, and started a new one. Twice. I told you that I wanted to talk and you didn’t even bat an eye.” You said. In all honest you weren’t that mad, but it still annoyed you that this was all he ever did.

“Ummm, okay, well this game is almost done –“ Baekhyun said gesturing at the TV

“Forget it.” You said, and turned to walk into the bedroom. You’d just go to bed, since sleep usually fixed everything. You brushed your teeth and turned off the lights then climbed into bed.

You weren’t sleepy, despite being physically tired, so when you heard movement outside the room you were surprised to hear Baekhyun outside of the door.

“You still awake?” Baekhyun asked, pushing open the door as you sat up in bed.

He came to your side of the bed holding a cup of tea and slice of cake. You looked up at him surprise and he shrugged, “you said you had a bad day, and I didn’t listen. I’m sorry.”

And this was why you loved him. He was such a nerd when it came to games and would probably spend his life playing them, but you also knew that he was incredibly caring. He never intended to make you feel ignored, and once he realized he had, he always tried to make it up to you.

Taking the tea from him and crossing your legs in front of you so he could sit down, you explained to him what had happened during your day, and how you were worried that your boss would think you couldn’t handle how busy you had become and the stress was weighing you down.

“Babe, why even worry? You know it’s not true, you have things under control, you always do. You need to stop doubting yourself. From now on, everytime you say something that’s not positive about yourself, I’m going to kiss you.”

Laughing and shaking your head at his silliness, you continued, “It’s not that. I just don’t feel like I’m qualified to do the work that they’re asking me to do. What if I miss a deadline, or a meeting? Or if they just decide that I’m not at the standard they were expecting? They’re going to realize eventually that they need someone better.”

As soon you finished speaking, Baekhyun took the cup from your hands and rested it on the side table. Then he leaned over you and kissed you. He kissed your hard, making you open your mouth in surprise, and he was instantly sliding his tongue into your mouth, thoroughly kissing you and leaving your breathless.

“Okay? That was…good?” You said, slightly disoriented, when he pulled back.

Baekhyun reached a hand up and cupped your cheek stroking it with his thumb, “didn’t I say I was going to kiss you if you continued bad mouthing yourself? I just made sure it was worth since you went on about how you’re not up to standard. Seriously, why would they hire you?”

You leaned your head into his touch and closed your eyes. You knew he was right but still. It was worrisome when you were repeatedly being asked questions you could barely find answers to.

Feeling the movement on the bed, you opened your eyes to Baekhyun pulling the sheets back off of you. “Move over, I’m coming in” He said scooting up beside you and shoving his legs under the sheets. Shifting your body, he moved his arm behind you and pulled him into you. Feeling his arms around you, and his body pressed against yours made you feel warm all over.

“Baekhyun, kiss me.” You said looking up at him.

Baekhyun looked at your surprised before smiling at you. Bending his head down, he kissed you slow and steadily. Dipping into your mouth before pulling away slightly to allow the two of you to breathe. As he continued kissing you, you tilted your head back a bit further to get a better angle, and reached up to place your hand behind his head. These were the moments that you cherished the most. Feeling his soft lips working against yours, tasting that unique flavor that was Baekhyun, and knowing that he was experiencing the same thing.

As you continued making out for a few moments it dawned on you that it had been a while since the two of you had actually slept together. Both of you were busy with work, and he was basically gaming in his free time while you worked on whatever you brought home with you from work. When did it get to this point? The two of you used to be a little more bed happy when you had first moved in together.

“I want you…”Baekhyun whispered against your lips, as if he had read your mind.

“Yes” you sighed as he moved your lips down your throat and back up to your lips.

He kissed you again, and you tasted the urgency that wasn’t there before.  Pulling away from you yanked the shirt up and over your head.  Brushing your hair out of your face you saw that he had taken the opportunity to also take his shirt off, and you met his smile with one of your own. The two of you knew each other, to know what was needed, and in this instant, you knew it wasn’t going to be a slow night.

Swinging a leg over so that you were straddling, you grounded your hips against his, desperate to feel him against you.

Letting out a breathy laugh, Baekhyun cupped your ass to lift you onto your knees, “don’t you think it’d be easier if you weren’t wearing shorts?”

Sighing dramatically you let yourself fall onto the bed beside him, and giggled as he quickly followed you.

“Ah, I see, going to make me do all the work?” Baekhyun smiled at you. He didn’t give you a chance to respond as bent back down to kiss you, the heat of which betrayed how playful his words were. He wanted you, and it was obvious in how skillfully he managed to get your shorts and underwear off without breaking the kiss.

Holding his head in place against your mouth, you tightened your grip in his hair as you felt his fingers teasing at your entrance. Normally, you’d be all for it, but not tonight. Pushing him away from you, he let out a surprised laugh as you shimmied yourself down his body and pulled his shorts down and out of the way, allowing his arousal to spring free.

“shit…” he groaned as you took him into your mouth in one go, not giving him a chance to mentally prepare for it. You bobbed your head eagerly, loving the way his hands went from resting on your arms, to sliding up to the back of your head, to having his fingers threaded in your hair as you let him fuck your mouth. You could tell he was holding back from bucking up into your mouth by the way his thighs flexed and his abs became more prominent from being so tense. Enjoying the taste of him of your tongue almost made you take him over the edge, but you stopped, pulling away from him.

Crawling back up his body, you straddled him again and sighed as he splayed his hands on your hips and guided you down, letting you feel how he stretched you in the best way. Circling your hips, you felt his thighs against your butt as you took him all in and took a split second to savor the feeling before your lifted yourself up and slammed yourself back down him.

Throwing his head back and groaning, Baekhyun tightened his grip on your hips and helped you ride him, adding his own thrusts making the feeling that more sharper directly to your core.

It was uncoordinated and perfect, and you placed your hands on his chest as you rode him as quickly as you could eager to feel him release. You were so lost in the sensations and were almost there when he brought your head towards his, leaning up so he could kiss you again.

“That’s right, ride me like a good girl” Baekhyun whispered, causing you to sputter in surprise against his mouth.

Taking the opportunity, Baekhyun laughed and flipped the two of you over lifting your legs up before thrusting inside of you again. “I, ah-guess I should work, on - on my dirty talk” He said breathless as he picked up his pace and began thrusting into you earnestly.

“Shit, Baekhyun, I need…” You didn’t manage to get the words out. He slammed into you and stopped, reaching a hand down to rub your clit. This was the part that you could never manage to control yourself during. He was in you, filling you and clenched around him repeatedly as he stimulated that small bundle of nerves with perfect fingers. You tried to squeeze your legs, but he leaned into you forcing you to keep your legs open. Your stomach clenched in that wonderful way and then you were gone. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your, and hazily registered him moving again, hips thrusting into yours, fucking your through your orgasm as he raced towards his.

You felt his hips jerk erratically and then felt the warmth spread inside of you as he came.

Collapsing on top of you, your hands wandered up his back into his hair as you idly played with the strands as the of your breathing came back to normal.

“I think…you need to stop playing games as much, and instead we should do this more often.” You said finally.

Baekhyun shifted his weight off of you and reached down to grab the blanket, “Yea…I agree, but if you come home and want sex, just say so?” He laughed as you took the pillow and hit with it.

“Are you getting up?” You said when he rolled off the bed and just covered you with the blanket.

“Yea, you need to sleep, and I think Chanyeol is waiting for me online.” Baekhyun gave you a goofy grin and you rolled your eyes at him. Whatever, you were tired, and you felt sated and relaxed, so you guess it was fine. Plus, if you woke up and found yourself wanting more, you could probably just go stand in front of the TV naked. That would get his attention.