
NYPD cops: Bill Bratton sold out to the Clintons

By Kirstan Conley

Published Aug. 19, 2016, 11:35 p.m. ET

City cops are furious that Police Commissioner Bill Bratton stumped for Hillary Clinton after refusing to let Donald Trump sit in on a roll call — and suspect the move has to do with Bratton’s lucrative new gig with the Clinton-linked firm Teneo.

“He is a total hypocrite and a total sellout for the Clintons,” a police source said of Bratton, who is quitting public service next month to take the private-sector job.

Bratton, successor James O’Neill and other police chiefs attended the two-hour meeting Clinton called Thursday to discuss her law-enforcement strategy.

With cameras rolling at John Jay College, Bratton sat at the Democratic candidate’s side and later gushed to the media about her: “In terms of law enforcement, she has a lot of experience in that area and a lot of great ideas.”


The whole thing left some cops rolling their eyes, especially since Bratton refused to allow Trump to address officers at the Midtown North Precinct after the murder of five Dallas cops last month, saying cops shouldn’t be used by politicians to “provide photo ops.”

“Bratton told Trump to get lost, [saying], ‘We don’t play politics,’ and then what does he do? He embraces Hillary and plays politics,” a police source said.

“Just goes to show you that ‘Saint Bill’ is not above the political fray.”

Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, said: “He doesn’t allow Trump to speak, he bashes Ted Cruz, and now he sits with Hillary, and he’s working for a company with ties to the Clintons. So basically, he’s a bought-and-paid-for ­police commissioner.”


Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who first hired Bratton as commissioner, was shocked by Bratton’s seeming endorsement of Clinton.

“He certainly by no means reflects the overwhelming number of police officers,” Giuliani said.

An NYPD spokesman Peter Donald said “the characterization that the police commissioner has endorsed or has campaigned for a candidate is patently false” — adding that his boss would meet Trump, too.


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