Moi University student leaders who were accused of leading demonstration in the institution have vowed to challenge the move by the university administration to expel them in a court of law.

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In a letter dated 11th October, the student leaders were expelled from the Kesses-based university for allegedly taking part in the demos within the institution.

The four; Timothy Kemboi, Ian Rasueei, Hezborn Ondari and Ronny Kimathi slammed the move by the institution to discontinue them whereas according to them, the demonstration was their right.

“We were entirely within our rights and as students’ representatives, we couldn’t sit back and watch the institution unilaterally make decisions that affect our wellbeing in school. Let’s meet in court,” said Rasueei as quoted by K24

The students on Friday engaged with police officers as they protested against what they termed as unjust fee increment among other 'irreducible minimums'.

The university was closed indefinitely and the date for resuming is yet to be communicated.

In an earlier Facebook post, the Moi University Students Organization (MUSO) chairperson Timothy Kemboi had claimed his life was in danger after the Friday incident.

''I have been threatened because of advocating for the people I serve but I shall not relent and I will continue to serve comrades in my capacity as the Chairperson of MUSO till the end of my tenure, the fight is still on,'' read part of Kemboi's post.