Stacey Abrams Has A Blunt Reality Check On Georgia Secretary Of State Brad Raffensperger

Abrams, who led voter drives in the 2020 election, warns that Raffensperger is not a champion of voting rights.

Stacey Abrams is warning that while Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger stands up to President Donald Trump, he’s not exactly an ally of voting rights. 

“Lionizing Brad Raffensperger’s a bit wrong-headed,” the voting rights activist and former Georgia gubernatorial candidate told Stephen Colbert on Monday. “This man is not defending the right of voters. He’s defending an election that he ran.” 

She added that Raffensperger is working with his fellow Republicans in the state to limit access to the ballot box with new restrictions that could take effect in time for the next election.

Still, Abrams conceded that it’s a “good thing” that Raffensperger is defending the presidential election results, in which President-elect Joe Biden became the first Democratic presidential candidate to win the state since 1992. 

But she also offered a reality check: “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”  

See more of her conversation with Colbert below: