Christ, the season’s only just started and The Peeppul are causing trouble already. There was the customary pitch invasion, of course, but some of them actually climbed on top of a shelter, in which their own disabled fans were sitting, and danced about on top of it, making it collapse. They could have killed someone. Unbelievably, but then again, entirely believably, it is The Peeppul after all, there are those on Hun Media that are blaming Kilmarnock for having such a flimsy shelter!

They also, effectively, broke into Rugby Park when Huns already inside opened the gates to let their ‘brothers’ flood in. As usual, Scotland’s Finest stood by and watched it happen. The Daily Record, also as usual, won’t point any fingers of blame at The Peeppul. With delays at the turnstiles, the DR’s attitude seems to be that they were perfectly justified in breaking in. Since there were no arrests, it seems that Police Scotland feel the same way. As for The Peeppul themselves, their attitude on Hun Media seems to be that anything goes because…Hibs…Hampden…2016.

“Wur up tae wur knees in cripples’ blood…”

But never mind all that, the biggest scandal of the weekend was the Green Brigade displaying banners. God knows how anybody could view the banners as offensive, or even controversial, but The Peeppul and the agnivores are always ready to clutch at any straw. Some of The Peeppul are claiming that the banners were ‘bigoted’, which shows either complete ignorance of what the word means or disingenuousness. Probably it’s a bit of both.

The same ‘whatabootery’ has raised its head in the issue of bigoted singing at the Pavilion. The Peeppul on Hun Media are all saying, “What aboot theym? Thur must’ve been bigotry oan display it that Celtic Festival it the SECC.” And the customary ‘somebody that works at the Pavilion’ told somebody at Hun Media that there was a lot of ‘bigoted singing’ when there was a show there about Celtic. I wonder if they’d be able to name any of these bigoted songs.

It’s clear from what folk have been saying on Hun Media that every night at the Pavilion has been a sash-bashing bigotfest, with nobody complaining or even commenting about it. Now that the media have commented on one instance, however, everybody associated with the dramatic work of art is claiming that it was the only instance and that only a small minority were involved. I think we’ve heard that one before.

I’ll say one thing about Rally Roon’ the Raynjurz, at least they got the casting spot on. Have you seen the state of that woman that’s in it?

Fucking hell! Only a blind man would – and even then she’d be a twelve-pinter!

Actually, she reminds me of the woman in the film Society that went about ripping folk’s hair out and eating it. I doubt this one would stop at just eating hair, though; she’d eat your whole fucking heid!

Oh, and just before we forget, there was some football happening over the weekend. With Celtic destroying St. Johnstone, the agnivores were expecting great things from Neo-Gers; after all, there’s not much between the two sides, is there? Gerrard’s team set down a marker by struggling against Kilmarnock, only scraping through with a 2-1 victory. After that dreadful display against Progres in Luxembourg, it doesn’t exactly bode well for the season.

But…but…but…Walter Smith said… Actually, it amazes me that anybody still listens to that old fraud. In Victorian times, the newspapers were fond of making up nicknames for prominent people and then reducing them to initials. Gladstone, for example, was known as the G.O.M. (The Grand Old Man.) No doubt, if this sort of thing was revived, the agnivores would christen Smith the W.O.F. The Wily Old Fox; the kind of epithet they’re fond of using for him. In reality, he is, and always has been, a F.O.W. A Fucking Old Weasel. The Evening Times says that he “knows all too well what it takes to be a success at Ibrox.” Aye, be a cheating cunt!

It looks like The Peeppul on Hun Media are going to run another ‘Referee Watch’ to keep track of all the decisions going against them. After all, the officials all had it in for them last season, didn’t they? One clown says, “It was so bad last season that I fully expect that we have changed the sign on the ref’s dressing room door at Ibrox from “Referee” to “Away Fan”.” Er…was that the match where El Guffalo was allowed to kick all the Celtic players up and down the pitch with impunity, or the one where Neo-Gers got four penalties? Fucking lunatics.

“An’, of course, Ah’ll get aw the fuckin’ blame iz usual!”

A word we’re seeing more and more on Hun websites and on Twitter is ‘Hollicom’. I had to Google this and, as I suspected, it’s Celtic’s PR firm. It’s a huge step up from the likes of Jabba, I’d imagine. Anyway, given The Peeppul’s obsession with child sex abuse at Celtic Boys’ Club, it’s only natural that they assume that this company has been engaged to facilitate a damage limitation exercise. Of course, all this concentrating on what happened at CBC helps deflect from the fact that the same thing happened at their club. I guess the Masonic connection has helped to have made the denizens of the Blue Room much better at cover-ups than anybody else. And isn’t it strange how whenever the truth comes out about any Ibrox pervert, they rather conveniently die? There’s maybe something worth investigating there, but neither our police nor our media have the inclination.

If you really look at things, it’s pretty obvious that some kind of nationwide paedophile ring has been operating throughout the UK, and not just in football. It’s also obvious that concentrating on the myth of such a thing only existing at Celtic Boys’ Club is helping to cover up the activities of all these perverts. The Peeppul, however, are sure of one thing; it never happened at Rangers. One absolute banger was on Twitter saying that a boy being molested by Harry Dunn had nothing to do with Rangers because it happened in a flat in Edinburgh. I mean, for fuck’s sake!

Remember all the ways that The Peeppul were thinking of to get their revenge on Mike Ashley; shite on door handles, dead rats in Frasers etc.? They now want to do the same thing to Hollicom, which, apparently, has its headquarters in Glasgow. I don’t know if any of them actually carried out any of these threats, but it’s all there in black and white if any of these ‘enemies of The Peeppul’ were to come across dog shite (or Hun shite) or dead rodents. Others want to go straight to the ‘source’ and are talking of hiring private investigators to ‘catch out’ the ‘criminals’ at Celtic Park. I’m sure if there was anything worth finding at Celtic Park, the Masons at Police Scotland would have already found it. Better just stick to the shite, lads!

“Good boay! Right, nixt stoap Hollicom!”

And the Huns are gleefully comparing the film investment tax dodge, which a court has declared illegal, with the EBT scheme that helped kill Rangers. They’re too thick to realise that individuals dodging their taxes is entirely different from a company using such a con trick to pay its employees so it can afford more expensive ones. Again, all they’re proving is that they’re fucking lunatics.

I’m looking forward to the new programme appearing on Channel 4 at 10pm on Monday. It’s called Born Famous and celebrities like Gordon Ramsay will be sending their spoilt kids to stay in the place and conditions where they grew up. I’m specifically looking forward to the one featuring Michelle Mone and her daughter. Where the hell is Mone going to find a flat in the East End of Glasgow with an outside toilet, rats and God-knows what other lack of amenities? I doubt she’ll be able to find one in this day and age; mind you, she’d have been hard-pushed to find one back in 1971, the year she was born. I’m looking forward to seeing what other lies she can come up with.

Der Fuhrer has finally seen sense and has been asking Alexa to play the playlist I made for her. She claims that she never had any problem with doing this; it was me that made all the fuss! Sometimes, all you can do is sit and fume quietly.

“Awright, troops? In ma opinion, Ah don’t hink they should bae lettin’ folk wi’ disabilities intae fitba’ gruns. Aye, Ah know Ah’m oan disability benefits, but Ah kin get aboot under ma ain steam; aw a need is a stick. Imagine thur wiz a fire an’ yer stuck behind some cunt in a wheelchair. So, the boays thit wir jumpin’ oan that shed wur merely pointin’ oot health an’ safety concerns. Iz fur the disabled wans complainin’ aboot the actions-y thur ain supporters, Ah’m sure they kin be…er…persuaded tae chynge thur minds an’ blame Kilmarnock insteed.”

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28 thoughts on “DON’T THROW YOUR SHITE AWAY.

  1. Hector, from your comment on the last thread, ‘ The right to bear arms’ is nonsense, as they seem to think the government will come and do them in one day, thats one of many arguments.

    How can the country be realistically disarmed? If they were to disarm civilians then in turn the Police would need to be disarmed.

    on Saturday prior to this, I watched on BBC a dopey copper on a callout approach a woman with a dog, the dog ran at him so he pulled his gun and tried to shoot the dog, (there was clearly no alternative), missed it and hit the woman behind it, she later died! The copper could then be heard shouting, ‘ Maam you need to keep your dog under control’, I watched that in dismay thinking what would happen here, two lives would still be intact and families not ruined. Thats just a standard call out and that happens, Ive seen so many more.

    The place is Fubar, the US is a hostile place and one ill not be setting foot in.


    1. As usual not sure what your point is . You will never disarm the USA but you can make it harder to buy weapons and you can remove certain classes of weapon from the legal market . Clinton made a start with a 10 year ban on assault rifles which has been allowed to lapse . A ban on semi automatic weapons at a stroke reduces the fire power of any would be nutter .At the moment you can buy an AR15 which is a military grade rifle just not capable of firing on full auto from a supermarket . With a conversion kit it can be converted to full auto . The ban on such weapons with hefty prison time for anyone holding one is a start . Introduce a reasonable licensing system with background checks and a central database would also help . Your argument about the police being disarmed is nonsense as even if there were no legal guns in the USA the criminal element would still have access so the police would still need to be armed .


      1. Banning guns at a stroke would do that!

        That is my point people don’t trust the gov hence wanting them so if the population were to disarm the plod would need to as well to make that happen. You can have armed units no different from here or other countries.


  2. Those flats did exist in 1971, in SPringburn at any rate – I stayed in of them, and they didn’t get demolished until the late 70s. The room-and-kitchens had their own toilet (but no bath or hot water) But the single-ends had to use the toilet in the close. The rats were rife during the bin-men strike in 1975, my neighbour used to sit at his window shooting them with an air rifle. No idea where Michelle Mone grew up, but “High Bedlay” in Springburn was pretty bad in the 70s 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I lived in Galloway Street from 1970 till 1975, but I’ve never heard of High Bedlay. Now that you mention it, I remember the flats in Kay Street didn’t have baths and the lavvy was on the stair. All I know about Mone is she claims to have lived in a tiny flat in the East End and left school at 14 – in the 1980s!


      1. Pat, “High Bedlay” was the half of Bedlay Street that went up behind Hyde Park primary school. The other half was down beside the fire station at Auchintoshan Terrace. In between the two was “Paddy Orrs” park, and I remember when there were still farm animals in it.


  3. Pat that’s it am done now we have toffs from the high end of bedlay st In Springburn ,,,, well I might have a sleekit we look now and again !!! cheers keep up the good work and hail hail.


    1. Jist a wee tad inappropriate Owen don’t you think.
      Much as I loathe the Bhuns some of them “arra peepul”, or so they keep telling us.
      The consequences could have been horrific.

      Luv Everyone and Anyone I think was their Corporate message.




      1. The only concern is this is the first game of the season and those monkeys are behaving like that, it’ll happen all season long, I’m not sure of the SFA have said anything about it yet, nor Rangers themselves. Clyde will probably clear it all up in a few mins.


  4. Just love your columns. Full of Drama, Reality, Hilarity and completely enjoyable. Please keep your wonderful views coming. Don’t know what it would be like without them.
    I don’t usually praise the Internet but since reading your fabulous words I am truly glad of it’s inception ((hopefully I have found the right word, if not what the hell, you know what I mean). I also love the wonderful replies that you get.

    Thank you for making my days.

    Hail Hail


    Liked by 4 people

  5. Interesting to see various angles of the so called ” crush ” at Rugby Park as there seems to be no walls or barriers to hem in the orcs but they are crushing each other trying to get in . I suppose there could be a bar of soap or a bottle of head and shoulders out of shot causing the stampede . Phil the Goblin and the Tit on the Fence are both boring today so why anyone donates to their blogs remains a mystery . I am in a bad mood as after paying into a pension plan for donkey’s years it has matured and after reading a couple of forests worth of paper I have decided I want 25% tax free and to leave the rest for now . I am not allowed to do this unless I pay some spiv to give me advice on it so why send me all the shit in the first place . My money and I know what I want but need a rubber stamp from a spiv . If anyone knows an independent financial advisor that likes venison let me know . Perhaps that nice Mr King from Rangers will give me a hand as he knows about money .


      1. Sorry to be pedantic Robert but read your comment and I’m unsure of what you mean.
        Do you mean, how much are you paying for the process? Or, are you being asked to pay for the process?

        Where’s that pesky coma that was kicking about?




  6. Just back from a really hard few months but good to see Fat Pat still doing his stuff he’s a leg end but the best at it……..anyhoo is the beggar still got his belly from backbone and are the Huns still favourites for world domination? I’ve genuinely missed the craic but hoping JJs crack filled up wi cement at bottom o the Clyde? He’s biggest zoomer in the howff that coont. HH folks good to be back


  7. Pat, the title of your latest blog has been galloping round my brain all day as lines akin to a 60’s tune and it’s doing my head in.

    Anyone recognise it?

    Don’t Throw Your Shite Away, Oh No Oh No Oh Nohhh
    Don’t Throw Your Shite Away, For You Might Need It Some Dayyyyy 🎶🎼

    Name that Tune.
    Everyone & Anyone.




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