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The toy store where they filmed the piano scene from Big is closing down

Do do do do do do , do do do do do do….

F.A.O. Schwarz, where this iconic scene from the film Big was filmed, is shutting its doors.


The New York Times reports that the massive toy shop will close on 15 July, with rising rents behind the decision.

The store is a destination for tourists who want to revisit the floor piano where Tom Hanks and Robert Loggia danced out the tune to Heart and Soul and Chopsticks.

The piano was eventually opened as an attraction, with visitors allowed to play on it. Store employees also performed tunes, and F.A.O. Schwartz sold a smaller take-home version of the toy.

Not as big as I was expecting, but still fun. #thebigpiano shebakeshere shebakeshere

Big-ging it up on the ivories. @mccarthkatie @meadhbhgalway #Big #latergram clarakiyoko clarakiyoko

Bloomberg reports that F.A.O. Schwartz is seeking smaller location, while Toys R Us stores will continue to sell its branded products.


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