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Correcting The Record On Why The WWF Changed Its Name To WWE

Updated Feb 17, 2020, 11:28pm EST
This article is more than 4 years old.

On Sunday, WWE unveiled the first episode of its new limited documentary series on WWE Network, Ruthless Aggression, covering the early to mid-2000s in the company. As WWE documentaries often are, especially those covering historical topics they presented a skewed viewpoint of what happened, playing loose with the timeline and facts in general. At this point, it is their modus operandi and shouldn’t surprise anyone paying attention, but even then, one of the key moments in the first episode of Ruthless Aggression saw the truth stretched until it broke.

Late in the episode, the topic turned to from the World Wrestling Federation (or WWF) to World Wrestling Entertainment (or WWE). Using a clip of Vince McMahon on Byte This—the company’s weekly live streaming news/talk show at the time—as a pivot point, they try to reframe the conversation around the name change. “I believe there’s gonna be a tidal wave from an attitudinal standpoint, from a creative direction standpoint, and I think it’s gonna wash away a lot of our ills,” McMahon is shown saying. “And I can’t exactly put my finger on it, but nor can I specifically articulate it to to you at the moment, but I just know it’s on its way.”

From the documentary’s point of view, that “tidal wave” was the name change. “Prophetic words, to say the least,” exclaims narrator Michael Rapaport. “Shortly thereafter, the company was reimagined and rebranded in typical McMahon fashion: World Wrestling Entertainment: Get the ‘F’ out! Getting the ‘F’ out was a way to keep some of the old attitude, and an opportunity to begin the process of moving in a new direction. And with no ‘F,’ WWE was born!”

This is, of course, utter nonsense: The name change was a major mainstream news story, the result of legal action from the Worldwide Fund for Nature, which is better known as the World Wildlife Fund in the United States and Canada. But don’t just take my word for it. “When we first registered our name in the early 1980's, the wildlife fund did not raise any challenges,” then-WWE CEO Linda McMahon told the New York Times in 2002. They did later, though, getting an injunction in Switzerland in 1993, and, in her words, “ threatened to take it around the world.”

A press release that’s still on WWE’s corporate website adds more details:

Mrs. McMahon said the company began considering dropping the word "Federation" from its name when World Wildlife Fund (a/k/a World Wide Fund for Nature) prevailed in a recent court action in the United Kingdom. The court ruling prevents the World Wrestling Federation from the use of the logo it adopted in 1998 and the letters WWF in specified circumstances. The "Fund" has indicated that although the two organizations are very different, there is the likelihood of confusion in the market place by virtue of the fact that both organizations use the letters WWF. The Fund has indicated that it does not want to have any association with the World Wrestling Federation. "Therefore," said, Mrs.McMahon, "we will utilize this opportunity to position ourselves emphasizing the entertainment aspect of our company, and, at the same time, allay the concerns of the Fund."

WWE press release dated May 6, 2002.

Unlike what’s in the documentary, this contemporaneous corporate communication is completely true. It’s more complicated than that, though. After the initial legal action, they went into settlement talks, with the Fund refusing to budge much thanks to concerns over the negative publicity that the Federation received in 1992 over various sexual harassment and sexual abuse scandals. They eventually came to a mutual settlement agreement in early 1994 with the Federation agreeing to cease using the initials internationally, with allowances for sales of older products and fleeting references like calling someone “the current WWF champion.” In theory, this was not an unreasonable deal, as most of the “WWF” references were of the more fleeting type and the Federation could easily adjust going forward.

Instead, the agreement was largely ignored, with the Fund later taking particular issue with the regisration of the domain name and the “scratch” version of the WWF logo. (Contrary to popular belief, the settlement didn’t require Fund permission for a logo change: Their issue was with the scratch logo reading “WWF” More clearly than the older “block” logo, which was often misread by non-fans as “WF.”) When push came to shove, the British appellate court sided with the Fund.

“[I]f the Federation wanted to develop a worldwide trade, whether through the Internet or any other means, the letters WWF were a very risky base on which to build it,” reads the ruling. “When it established its website, it was, or should have been, fully aware of that fact. The costs of ‘rebranding’ now, after some five years of development, are entirely attributable to its own decision to take that risk. The scratch logo may be less significant in itself, but it was part of the same strategy. It was likewise a clear breach of the agreement, and the risks were apparent.”

So even if you find the Ruthless Aggression series entertaining—and it is, even unearthing training footage of less-experienced WCW wrestlers trying to adjust to the bigger WWF ring and getting booed when they mistime a move—you’re best off treating it as nothing more. It’s not a factual documentary and treating it as gospel would be a massive mistake.

David Bixenspan is a freelance writer from Brooklyn, N.Y. He writes the Babyface v. Heel subscription blog/newsletter and co-hosts the Between The Sheets podcast every Monday at else that podcasts are available. You can follow him on Twitter at @davidbix and view his portfolio at