What once seemed like it could be Netflix’s answer to Game of Thrones seems like it’s in serious trouble. The Witcher has lost Henry Cavill as its star after next season, and its first attempt at trying to expand its universe with a new live-action show seems to be going disastrously.

The good news first: The Witcher: Blood Origin is currently the #1 show on Netflix, indicating it’s got great viewership to propel it over the likes of Wednesday and Emily in Paris.

The bad news: What people are actually watching may make them wish they hadn’t bothered. Right now, in addition to having pretty poor critic scores, The Witcher: Blood Origin has literally the worst audience scores for a major Netflix original I’ve ever seen.

While a 35% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes is certainly not great, I suppose technically I’ve seen worse (my favorite Netflix stat is the double 0% for both of its 365 Days series of movies). But for audience scores? I’ve never seen a nine percent before.

The last time I was writing about a series with all-time low audience scores on Netflix, it was the now-cancelled Resident Evil series, which had a 22% from audiences. Back then, I just hadn’t seen anything close to that, even among other lambasted series. Even shows that were universally though of as pretty bad oftentimes ended up liked more by audiences than critics, like Jupiter’s Legacy, which had a 41% critic score and a 77% audience score, or Haters Back Off, a show that appears on many “worst Netflix shows” lists, at a 50% critic score with a 76% audience score. The only original I saw close to Resident Evil back then was Infinite Darkness, the CG RE series, which had a 50% critic score and a 39% audience score.

The Witcher: Blood Origin may be the worst reviewed series, between fans and critics, Netflix has ever seen. Why? Here are a few samplings from both groups:

  • “The TV equivalent, in a way, of a tangentially-related hyperlink that you end up clicking while reading about something else on Wikipedia.” – Ready Steady Cut (Critic Review)
  • “Lackluster, unoriginal and carried through on the promise of better things - The Witcher: Blood Origin is a mediocre affair. Michelle Yeoh is wasted, Lenny Henry lacks conviction and Minnie Driver goes some great narration. Best avoided.” – We Got This Covered (Critic Review)
  • “Bad. Just really really bad. I wonder when Netflix will reach the point where they can't treat source material any worse. I certainly hope this is their lowest point finally, otherwise it might be time to leave this platform for good” = Al R (Audience Review)
  • “In a generic fantasy setting with several box ticking characters, a show with no soul rises from a place it should never have risen. Between abominable and atrocious, this non-Witcher has basically nothing worthy of noting. It does absolutely nothing for a Witcher fan: adds nothing, build nothing, had no character or resemblance with source material. I could watch the original Polish show that you might not even know that exists, but this was a little too much.” – Marcelo A (Audience Review)

Just brutal. I don’t know what exactly went wrong here, but Netflix really needs to figure it out to make sure whatever poisoned this series doesn’t translate into the last few seasons of The Witcher itself.

Update (12/27): Have seen some people wondering why we’re having this conversation at all, given that The Witcher is “obviously” being review-bombed into having such a low audience score (now down to 8%, at the time of this update). So, a few things to consider:

Yes, it is unfortunately true that many fantasy series that have cast women or people of color in prominent roles have received racist backlash. And yet none of those have been “review bombed” nearly as bad as what we’re seeing here with Blood Origin. That includes House of the Dragon (82%), Rings of Power (38%) and The Witcher itself (75%). If you want to expand outside fantasy to things we know were actively review bombed, many in the superhero space, even things like Ms. Marvel (80%), Captain Marvel (45%) and She-Hulk (33%) are still not close to Blood Origin’s 8%. Literally nothing is. It’s in a league of its own.

Second, you may want to actually...read the audience reviews before saying it’s some specific pushback to diverse casting. Going through them, I see maybe one comment about “politics” or “diversity” for every...fifty reviews? The vast, vast majority of them are not about that, nor are they mentioning Henry Cavill’s recent departure from the series, but they focus entirely on the weirdly poor production value of the show compared to The Witcher itself, and its wooden dialogue and performances.

Sure, it is certainly the case that The Witcher: Blood Origin is not the literal worst show in Netflix history, as these scores suggest. But to have scores this low, combined with low critic scores as well, something has gone seriously wrong here, and it’s a big deal considering The Witcher was supposed to be such a massive IP and world for Netflix to grow and expand in the future. And it feels like it’s all falling apart now.

Update (12/28): If you’re looking for more detail on why exactly fans are disliking the show other than production value and writing, it’s how it seemingly changes one of the core tenets of The Witcher universe, namely how Witchers were created in the first place. Polygon has a good piece about the “twist” in the show, which features the creation of the first Witcher:

“Blood Origin follows the story of Fjall (Laurence O’Fuarain), an elf warrior who lived just before the Conjunction of the Spheres. Along with Éile (Sophia Brown) and some other elves, including the sorceress and general magic-user Zacaré (Lizzie Annis), attempts to prevent the evil mage Balor (Lenny Henry) from harnessing Chaos Magic to conquer other worlds. But when Balor unleashes a monster from one of these other worlds, Fjall has to undergo the first ever witcher transformation to defeat the creature and save his friends.”

Why is this a big deal? Because based on everything we knew about Witchers, they’ve always been an exclusively human organization. They were created in desperation for humans to find some possible way to fight back against monsters, and here, making the first Witcher an elf and the entire process an elven creation feels weird, especially since that is not mentioned ever in the books, games or even The Witcher itself, though perhaps there will be some new Blood Origin connection when The Witcher season 3 returns.

This is the source material change that fans are protesting, not the fact that actors of color are cast in roles here (at least not for the most part). The creation of the first (elven) Witcher comes out of nowhere and seems slapdash and vague rather than some extensive, dangerous trial and error process that to this day is still absurdly risky. It’s not presented that way in the show at all, which is one of the major problems with what plays out on screen.

“This makes the circumstances of the first witcher’s creation in Blood Origin disappointing, to say the least. Sure, there’s a somewhat imminent monster threat, and sure, our band of merry elves was certainly going to need more than their regular combat prowess to take it down, but the details and risks of the transformation, or where it even comes from, are vague at best.
Rather than an arduous new process, or the dangerous combination of several different magics in a desperate attempt to protect people living in fear of monsters, it simply feels like Zacaré throws together a well-known series of herbs and roots to make her special superhero monster-killer serum. And if we’re to believe that this is just the first seed of the witcher idea that humans would later pick up, then Blood Origin never makes the differences clear.”

It’s not clear why this decision was made or what the showrunners were trying to showcase with this “revelation,” but it’s one of many things about the show that rubbed fans the wrong way, and soured the mood heading into season 3 of The Witcher.

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