Alicia Silverstone Dressed Like Cher Horowitz for “Lip Sync Battle”

I’m totally buggin’.
Image may contain Clothing Apparel Human Person Helmet Hat Skirt Female Pants Denim and Jeans
CLUELESS, Stacey Dash, Alicia Silverstone, 1995, (c) Paramount/courtesy Everett Collection©Paramount/Courtesy Everett Collection

There's nothing like a good Clueless throwback to start your week off the right way. Whether it’s an actual integration of Cher Horowitz’s on-point style in our own modern wardrobes, or using the iconic lines like "as if" in everyday life, we simply can’t get enough.

This is why, back in November, when Cher Horowitz, I mean, Alicia Silverstone teased a photo of herself in the iconic Cher yellow plaid skirt and blazer, the internet couldn’t handle it. And, frankly, neither could we. The photo was taken while filming an upcoming episode of Lip Sync Battle, though we’re unsure of what tunes Alicia would be singing in the iconic costume. Lucky for us, the big reveal is finally here—almost.

Alicia will be singing Iggy Azalea’s "Fancy," which is appropriate considering the singer re-created Clueless for the music video more than four years ago. So, as it seems, Alicia is imitating Iggy, who was imitating Alicia, who was playing Cher Horowitz. How meta.

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The network has released a teaser video for the episode, which will be airing on Thursday night. Alicia will be battling it out against her "American Woman" co-star, Mena Suvari. In the clip, host Chrissy Teigen announces, “Modern-day Cher. This is amazing. I had no idea how badly I needed to see that.” Agreed, Chrissy. Totally agreed.