Class that can generate RSS (Rich/RDF Site Summary) XML documents that are commonly used to distribute site feeds. It features:
This class lets you either parse or create RSS feeds. It can create a RSS feed from definition arrays. The parsing function extracts information from an RSS ...
This class can display the pages and descriptions of a RSS feed. It takes the URL of a given RSS feed and retrieves the feed to be able to parse it.
This package can be used to retrieve and display RSS feeds. The main class can retrieve and parse a RSS feed from a given feed URL. It supports RSS 0.92, ...
This class can be used to generate an RSS feed from the listing of messages in a given mailbox accessible via POP3 or IMAP protocols.
This class can parse a RSS feed and extract the information of the feed items. The feed items may be processed by an external function that may perform ...
This class can be used to generate a RSS feed from files pf a directory. It can read the list of files available in a given server directory and generates ...
This class can be use to generate a feed in the RSS 2.0 format. It takes a nested associative array that describes all the details of the feed channel like ...
This class can be used to retrieve and parse RSS feeds. The class extends the feed reader class to provide means to retrieve RSS specific data already ...
This package can generate XML for an RSS feed from item properties. It provides a class for defining the properties of each item to be added to the RSS feed ...