Sep 23, 2020 · From the Greek silouros which is the name of the fish. Down Species Information. Size, 580mm or 22.8" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
lithophilus silurus site:planetcatfish.com from www.planetcatfish.com
A summary of the catfish genus silurus including geogrphic distribution, care and reporoduction information.
FAQ · Home Forum index · Cat-eLog Right Wish Lists Containing Right Silurus lithophilus. No. All wishes for this species from oldest to most recent.
lithophilus silurus site:planetcatfish.com from www.planetcatfish.com
Sep 8, 2013 · As the name suggests, S. microdorsalis possesses a very small dorsal fin. In addition, adult size is much smaller than the other Silurus species ...
Species, genera and statistics for the catfish family Siluridae particuarly those kept and bred in aquaria.
lithophilus silurus site:planetcatfish.com from www.planetcatfish.com
Feb 20, 2007 · From the Greek silouros which is the name of the fish. Down Species Information. Size, 1000mm or 39.4" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Apr 21, 2001 · The worlds largest catfish, the largest example of which, caught in the River Dnepr (flowing through the Ukraine into the Black Sea), was ...
lithophilus silurus site:planetcatfish.com from www.planetcatfish.com
Oct 1, 2020 · From the Greek silouros which is the name of the fish. Down Species Information. Size, 1000mm or 39.4" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
lithophilus silurus site:planetcatfish.com from www.planetcatfish.com
Dec 20, 2012 · From the Greek silouros which is the name of the fish. Down Species Information. Size, 460mm or 18.1" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.