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Royal Canadian Mint
32,51 CAD
29 pri, 5:40:00 e pasdites, GMT-4 · CAD · TSE · Mohimi i përgjegjësisë
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32,53 CAD
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32,45 CAD - 32,64 CAD
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25,00 CAD - 33,30 CAD
Kapitalizimi i tregut
663,54 mln CAD
Volumi mesatar
17,22 mijë
Bursa kryesore
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The Royal Canadian Mint is the mint of Canada and a Crown corporation, operating under the Royal Canadian Mint Act. The shares of the Mint are held in trust for the Crown in right of Canada. The Mint produces all of Canada's circulation coins, and manufactures circulation coins on behalf of other nations. The Mint also designs and manufactures precious and base metal collector coins; gold, silver, palladium, and platinum bullion coins; medals, as well as medallions and tokens. It further offers gold and silver refinery and assay services. The Mint serves the public's interest but is also mandated to operate "in anticipation of profit". Like private-sector companies, the Mint has a board of directors consisting of a chair, the president and CEO of the Mint, and eight other directors. Traditionally, the president of the Royal Canadian Mint is known as the Master of the Mint, currently Marie Lemay, who was appointed to the position in 2018. The board of directors, through the chair, is accountable to the Minister of Finance. The Minister serves as the link between the Mint, Cabinet and Parliament. Wikipedia
Drejtori ekzekutiv
2 jan 1908
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1 202
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