Google Maps: Report Inappropriate Image
Report Inappropriate Street View
Street View:
Image preview:
Adjust the view of the image so that it is focused on the part of the image you are reporting
Why are you reporting this image?  (Please choose from one set of options.)
Request blurring:

Characters Remaining: 1500
The comment contains too many characters.
Please enter a description
What would you like us to blur?
A face
Please include additional information that will help us identify the face that should be blurred.
My home

I certify that I have the authority to request the blurring of this property because I am the owner or tenant. I also understand that this blurring is irreversible and cannot be undone.
Please check the checkbox.

Please include additional information that will help us identify the correct home that should be blurred. Also, note that once we apply blurring to an image it is permanent.
My car / a license plate
Please include additional information that will help us identify the car or license plate that should be blurred.
A different object
We also blur images that feature inappropriate content, such as nudity or violence. You can check out our Image Acceptance & Privacy Policies page for more information.
Report image quality:
What is wrong with this image?
Misplaced image or misaligned navigation arrows
Thanks for your feedback! If you can provide additional information explaining what is wrong with the image, we'd love it. (Please note, if you are reporting an incorrect address or other map issue, please follow the instructions here)
Overall poor image quality
Thanks for your feedback! If you can provide additional information explaining what is wrong with the image, we'd love it. (Please note, if you are reporting an incorrect address or other map issue, please follow the instructions here)
Please select a category.
Email address:
Please enter your email address.
Invalid email address.
reCAPTCHA verification
Please check the checkbox to solve the challenge.