Wearing a mask and putting distance between yourself and others can help lower the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Testing for COVID-19 can help you decide what to do next, like getting treatment to reduce your risk of severe illness and taking steps to lower your chances of spreading COVID-19 to others.
Jul 12, 2024
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coronavirus prevention from www.who.int
Mar 18, 2023 · Get vaccinated as soon as it's your turn and follow local guidance on vaccination. · Keep physical distance of at least 1 metre from others, even ...
Find links to guidance and information on all topics related to COVID-19, including the COVID-19 vaccine.
The best preventive measures include getting vaccinated, wearing a mask during times of high transmission, staying 6 feet apart, washing hands often and ...
Jul 3, 2024 · More steps to protect against respiratory viruses that can be added to the core prevention strategies above: Wear a mask; Keep physical distance ...
Other ways that may help prevent the spread of this coronavirus includes good indoor air flow, physical distancing, wearing a mask in the right setting and ...
Practice good personal hygiene and wash your hands often. Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or the inside of your elbow, when you cough or sneeze, ...
Get vaccinated when a vaccine is available to you. Stay at least 1 metre apart from others, even if they don't appear to be sick.
Oct 15, 2020 · Know how it spreads · Practice social distancing · Wash your hands · Wear a mask · Restrict your travel · Watch for symptoms · How NewYork- ...
The COVID-19 Prevention non-emergency regulations are in effect until February 3, 2025. Read more about the non-emergency regulations.